Skin is your body's largest organ. It serves as a protective barrier between your insides and the rest of the world, helps regulate body temperature and acts as a filter. Skin exists in a constant state of growth, with old cells dying as new cells are forming. It is affected by every aspect of your life, from what you eat to where you live. Often neglected, but most affected are the Skin, Hair and Face. Increasing usage of toxic substances, deteriorating lifestyle conditions and poor dietary habits add further to the woes of a wide range of skin issues, which warrant medical intervention.
The Department of Dermatology at NM Hospital offers a comprehensive range of skincare diagnostics and allied treatment. We strive to deliver the best in terms of medical expertise and research, thereby providing a unique experience to our patients and their families. The Institute is composed of some very dedicated and diligent dermatologists who adopt an interdisciplinary approach, constantly delivering holistic and customized treatment for patients.
Our experts combine their years of specialized experience with the latest techniques that provide long-lasting solutions to our patients. Frequent check-ups help us in keeping up with the patients’ improvements and thus ensuring that they beam with both health and beauty.